Thank you for this post. I recently started using Scrivener bc I was interested in the formatting (I'm currently writing some comic books and a stage play). But every time I read an article about it I learn something new. This time, about Typewriter Level! What a simple idea that changes the interface!

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Apr 15Liked by B.A. Durham

I've used Scrivener for three books and an assortment of other projects. Thank you for the excellent outline of how it works. I like to write in Scrivener, but I do an export to Word for final drafts and complete editing there. The author is right that there are many useful features, and not all will be used. There is also a learning curve, but it's worth the effort.

One thing not mentioned that is important to me is that Scrivener has really excellent support. Not only are there great tutorials and frequent webinars on a variety of topics, but it is quite easy to get individual attention through their support team.

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I love Scrivener.

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Apr 15Liked by B.A. Durham

I've tried numerous writing programs but found ProWritingAid the best. I've not only used it as an effective touch-up editing tool before sending my books off to an editor, but a great teaching aid for me as an author. Before plunking down your cash for a program, be sure to check it out.

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Apr 15Liked by B.A. Durham

I have been curious about Scrivener, but not curious enough to invest in something I might not like. Thanks.

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Try it out. The free (30-day?) trial does not tick down by calendar days -- it ticks down by days you actually use it. You can explore at your own pace or as your schedule allows, and make up your mind without pressure.

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It's pretty inexpensive. And it's a one-time fee.

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